Friday, November 14, 2008

Nov. 1, 2008

Nov. 1, 2008

Sorry about last week. i was e mailing in the mission office and they kicked me off right at 6:00 and i didnt realize that they would do that so i spent time the ten minutes i did have reading e mails instead of typing. i will try to make up for it this time.

these past two weeks were a lot similar to the first. i still cant understand what people say to me in Korean but thats alright. some cool things that have happened:
we are teaching a 25 year old chinese man that doesnt speak korean, he only speaks a little english. so i get to teach while my companion sits and tries to understand whats going on for a change. the investigator is really cool and loves learning about the gospel but we might have to drop him because he isnt progressing. he does what we ask but he has school every sunday during church (school is RIDICULOUS in Korea, high school kids go to school from 8 am to 9 pm and sometimes later) so he cant come to church at all.
well i am getting kicked off the computer again..maybe i will have time to e mail later but if not i am sorry.

Elder Wells

sorry that this is a run on of the last one, i got kicked off earlier. here are some highlights:
last p day was amazing. we went down to the beach and ate lunch there. it was a really cool veiw of a big bridge and huge buildings. i took pictures and i will send the memory card home. then we went to a buddhist temple up in this mountain. it was awesome. it made me realize that im in Asia. everything was old and peaceful. i took a lot of pictures of the buddhist temples and statues so i hope you like them. it was a lot cooler in real life though. there was a huge golden buddha statue with a million man size statues surrounding it. i really liked going there. and there were people laying down mats and worshipping the buddha while we were there. it was definately an experience.
i ate silk larva. that was gross.
a singing group called new horizon came and did a concert. they were all missionaries in the busan mission like 30 yrs ago and the sang on their mission in a group. it was a good concert thing. and president Jennings was there so we got to stay for the whole thing. we didnt get back until 10:15 pm. crazy huh.
i met a man on the bus that spoke english. he had seen and talked to the missionaries before and wanted to learn more about the church. he was fascinated how we learn korean so quickly because it is such a hard language and wanted to know what techniques they teach us. i just bore testimony to him that i know that i am doing what God wants me to do and because of it, he is helping me learn korean so i can teach other people about him and his gospel. it was a good experience. i didnt have time to get the mans information because he had to get off the bus but i gave him a pamphlet.
well thats about all that i can remember.

Elder Wells

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