December 14, 2008
well i lost the email i was just typing so i have to start all over. here it goes again:
i dont have any good stories so heres some facts about korea:
everyone eats on little tables and sit on the floor (we do too). even restaraunts, if it is a nicer restaraunt you sit on the floor, the cheaper ones have you sit at tables (ironic right?)
we sleep on things called yo's. they are pretty much an inch thick blanket that we sleep on and then roll up in the morning (its way better than making a bed). i was worried that i wouldnt like them and they would be uncomfortable but i have been sleeping fine. to heat the houses they use a water boiling system that heats the floor. so sleeping and eating on the floor is nice and toasty.
they dont have dryers in korea. we hang our clothes to dry them. it takes like 3 days because it is cold outside. i dont know why they dont just get dryers.
the fruit is really good here. the pears are probably the most different and my favorite. they are big and round, almost the size of a canteloupe. and they arent mushy, they are sweet and crunchy. i heard that costco sells asian pears so you should go buy some. the oranges are also really good. we went and did that service project again for the old lady at her farm thing.
i saw a group of elementary kids performing songs and stuff the other day. they were all playing ocarinas. it was pretty funny and now i want to learn the ocarina.
another elder taught me how to read music so now im learning the piano. i can already play book of mormon stories.
the weather has been weird here. its supposed to be pretty cold and windy but its normally pretty warm. it did snow for 2 days last week though.
i live in a 4 man appartment and the other 2 missionaries here live in a city about 30 minutes away. they come to our city (jeju city) for district meetings and p days.
president jennings and his wife came down this weekend to do interviews with us. they took us to a good american restaraunt called vips and we will probably do something with them today.
president announced that every team of missionaries is getting a cell phone. i am pretty excited. it will definately be helpful. he also told me that my mtc companion, elder bennett (the one that went home because he was throwing up) has been cleared to come next transfer. i am really happy and excited to see him. i probably wont see him for a while though cuz i'll be here on this island.
we had a baptism scheduled for yesterday (sunday) but our investigator wasnt ready. he is technically my investigator but i barely know him and havent taught him at all. he was taught a few months ago with his mother and brother and they were baptized but he wasnt. so we are trying to prepare him to be baptized next week.
we dont really have any other investigators. i told you about the guy last week that we taught about Joseph Smith. he could become an investigator but i dont know because we havent met with him since then.
things are going good. my companion and i have seen little miracles here and there. we are working hard and have been patiently waiting for success. if the baptism goes through next week, it will be good. i cant wait to see my first baptism as a missionary and witness first hand the fruits of our labors.
Elder Wells